Today, Afsister will show you how to make natural baby hair on your wig with just 2 tools and 3 steps.


 1.Glue or gel

2.Rat-tail comb 


3 steps:

Firstly, you should put your wig on your head, and pull your wig back

                          Make Baby Hair On Your Wigs. | Natural & Easy

Secondly, put out your glue or gel, and prepare for making baby hair.

And you lay it just a little bit on your forehead. Just use your figures to press the gel or glue.

                         Make Baby Hair On Your Wigs. | Natural & Easy

And you can use a blow drier to dry it to a probable way.

Some people often don’t dry it, because they find it easy to put baby hair when it is not dry.

Take your wig hold on, and use figures to tape it down.

                           Make Baby Hair On Your Wigs. | Natural & Easy                      


The next step should be taken before it dry, so you need finish the steps quickly.

You take all the hair you need off to make baby hair.

                               Make Baby Hair On Your Wigs. | Natural & Easy

Then pin the hair you don’t need at the back.

                               Make Baby Hair On Your Wigs. | Natural & Easy


Pull it up and comb it down, and then swirl the hair to achieve natural looking.

    Make Baby Hair On Your Wigs. | Natural & EasyMake Baby Hair On Your Wigs. | Natural & Easy


Jus repeat the three steps and you can get the natural bay hair:

Comb out the hair,  press, swirl( the 3 steps)


If there is too much gel, you can just remove some using the beginning part of the rat-tail comb.


At the end, you can get the natural baby hair.


                           Make Baby Hair On Your Wigs. | Natural & Easy

Afsister is aimed to fresh hairstyles of American girls.